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3/5/23 A Tale of 2 Babies, 2 Miracles, & 2 Reproaches Luke 1:23-40
2/19/23 Prayer Shatters the Silence Luke 1:10-22
2/12/23 First Things First Part 3 Luke 1:5-9
2/5/23 First Things First Part 2 Luke 1: 5-7
1/29/23 First Things First Luke 1:1-4
1/22/23 Introduction to the Book of Luke -#2
1/15/23 Introduction to the book of Luke - #1
1/1/23 His joy our strength Nehimiah 8:10
8-29-21 Lamentations 3, Exodus 33:15-18, 34:6-7, Jeremiah 19 Hope & Mercy Pastor Kenny Vance
8-22-21 Genesis 49:19-33 What Should Befall You in The Last Days? Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
8-15-21 Colossians 2:6-10 Hollow and Deceptive Philosophy Frank Martin
8-8-21 Genesis 49:1-18 The Befalling of the Last Days Part 1 Pastor Kenny Vance
8-1-21 Genesis 48 The Final Blessings of Goshen Pastor Kenny Vance
7-18-21 Genesis 47:13-31 The Steps of Goshen Pastor Kenny Vance
7-11-21 Genesis 46:28-47:12 The Last Revelation: The Way to Goshen Pastor Kenny Vance
6-27-21 Genesis 46:1-27 Three Factors of Revelation Pastor Kenny Vance
6-20-21 Genesis 45 The Seven Revelations of Genesis 45 Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
6-13-21 Genesis 45 The Seven Revelations of Genesis 45 Pastor Kenny Vance
6-6-21 Genesis 44 The Cup of Surety Pastor Kenny Vance
5-23-21 Psalm 2 Why Do The Nations Rage? Pastor Kenny Vance
5-16-21 Genesis 43 The Son Focus Pastor Kenny Vance
5-9-21 Proverbs 3:13-18, Exodus 2:1-10, Luke 1:26-38 Mothers' Wisdom Rocks the World! Pastor Kenny Vance
4-18-21 Genesis 42 Three Days - Mercy, Repentance, Grace Pastor Kenny Vance
4-11-21 Genesis 41:37-57 Vice President Joseph Pastor Kenny Vance
4-4-21 Luke 24 Moving From Jesus Is Risen To Jesus Is Risen Indeed! Pastor Kenny Vance
3-28-21 Luke 19:28-48 The Triumphal Entry Pastor Kenny Vance
3-21-21 Genesis 41:1-36 A Slave's Call To Duty Pastor Kenny Vance
2-28-21 Genesis 40 The Life of a Slave - Part 4 Pastor Kenny Vance
2-14-21 Ephesians 5:21-33 Love. Relationships. Loving Relationships. Elder Ray Wagstaff
2-7-21 Genesis 39:20-23 The Life of a Slave - Part 3 Pastor Kenny Vance
1-31-21 Genesis 39:7-20 The Life of a Slave - Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
1-24-21 Genesis 39:1-6 The Life of a Slave - Part 1 Pastor Kenny Vance
1-17-21 Mark 3:20-35 Jesus Comes Home Elder Ray Wagstaff
1-10-21 Genesis 38 ...Meanwhile Back At The Ranch Pastor Kenny Vance
1-3-21 John 1:1-18 Getting to Know the Word Pastor Kenny Vance
12-27-20 John 16:13-15 A Holy Christmas Carol Pastor Kenny Vance
12-20-20 Luke 7:36-50 Divine Dinner Interruption Elder Ray Wagstaff
12-13-20 Isaiah 7:14 O Come Immanuel Pastor Kenny Vance
12-6-20 Genesis 37:12-36 God's Doings Pastor Kenny Vance
11-29-20 Genesis 37:1-11 God's Preparations Pastor Kenny Vance
11-22-20 Genesis 12:1-3 Thanks Giving Blessings Pastor Kenny Vance
11-15-20 Genesis 36 The Kings of Esau Pastor Kenny Vance
11-8-20 Romans 13:12, Daniel 2:19-22, Psalm 140 People of the Day Pastor Kenny Vance
11-1-20 Psalm 33:12 Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The Lord Pastor Kenny Vance
10-25-20 Matthew 8:5-13, 15:21-28 Two Gentiles, One Faith Elder Ray Wagstaff
10-18-20 Genesis 35:16-29 The Finality of the Return Pastor Kenny Vance
10-11-20 Genesis 35:1-15 The Return of the Return Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
10-4-20 Genesis 35:1-15 The Return of the Return Pastor Kenny Vance
9-27-20 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 The Return Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
9-20-20 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 The Return Part 1 Pastor Kenny Vance
9-13-20 Genesis 34 The Challenge to the Double Blessing Pastor Kenny Vance
9-6-20 John 15:1-11 The Vine and The Branches Elder Ray Wagstaff
8-30-20 Genesis 32:22-33:20 Jacob: Direction to Double Blessings Part 2b Pastor Kenny Vance
8-23-20 Genesis 32:22-33:20 Jacob: Direction to Double Blessings Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
8-16-20 Genesis 32:1-21 Jacob: Direction to Double Blessings Pastor Kenny Vance
8-9-20 Genesis 31:22-55 Jacob: Diligence to Direction Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
8-2-20 Genesis 31:1-21 Jacob: Diligence to Direction Pastor Kenny Vance
7-26-20 Colossians 1 The Security of the Believer Jace & Stephanie Vance
7-19-20 Genesis 30:25-43 Jacob -- Deceiver To Diligent Pastor Kenny Vance
7-12-20 Genesis 29:31-30:24 Jacob's Family Circus Pastor Kenny Vance
7-5-20 Philippians 4:10-13 Contentment Dr. Frank Martin
6-28-20 Genesis 29:15-30 The Heart of the Matter Pastor Kenny Vance
6-14-20 Genesis 29:1-14 Broken Wells - The Final Well Pastor Kenny Vance
6-7-20 Genesis 28:6-22 Broken Wells: The Next Step Pastor Kenny Vance
5-31-20 Acts 2:1-13 Day of Pentecost Pastor Kenny Vance
5-24-20 Genesis 27:30--28:5 Consequences of Broken Wells Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
5-17-20 Genesis 27:30--28:5 Consequences of Broken Wells Pastor Kenny Vance
5-10-20 Genesis 26:34--27:29 Broken Wells Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
5-3-20 Genesis 26:34--27:29 Broken Wells Part 1, and Communion Pastor Kenny Vance
4-26-20 Genesis 26:15-33 Well Established Pastor Kenny Vance
4-19-20 Genesis 26:1-14 Fathers and Sons Pastor Kenny Vance
4-12-20 Resurrection Sunday--The East Pastor Kenny Vance
4-5-20 Matthew 21:1-13 A Triumphal Cleansing Pastor Kenny Vance
3-29-20 Genesis 25:19-34 Divergence Pastor Kenny Vance
3-29-20 Song: By My Spirit Laurie Vance
3-22-20 Forgiving Others Forgiving Ourselves Elder Ray Wagstaff
3-15-20 Esther 4:14 A Saint
For Such A Time As This! Pastor Kenny Vance
3-8-20 Genesis 25:1-18 Abraham's Posterity Pastor Kenny Vance
3-1-20 Genesis 24:32-67 Isaac's Valentine Completed, Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
2-23-20 Genesis 24:32-67 Isaac's Valentine Completed Pastor Kenny Vance
2-16-20 Genesis 24:1-31 Isaac's Valentine Pastor Kenny Vance
2-9-20 Genesis 23 Princess to Noblewoman Pastor Kenny Vance
2-2-20 Genesis 22:20-24 The Genealogy of Discord Pastor Kenny Vance
1-26-20 Genesis 22:1-19 The Test Of Faith Pastor Kenny Vance
1-19-20 Genesis 21:8-34 The Responsibility of Peace Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
1-12-20 Genesis 21:8-14 The Responsibility of Peace Part 1 Pastor Kenny Vance
1-5-20 Hebrews 4:1-5 God's Rest Elder Neil Gray
12-29-19 Genesis 21:1-7 The Word of the Lord Pastor Kenny Vance
12-24-19 Luke 2 Christmas Eve Service Pastor Kenny Vance
12-22-19 Galatians 4:4-7 Christ's Christmas Pastor Kenny Vance
12-15-19 Book of Isaiah Christmas Chronicles Pastor Kenny Vance
12-8-19 Genesis 20 Clearing Out Pastor Kenny Vance
12-1-19 Psalm 138 & Isaiah 42 Communion Jace Vance & Pastor Kenny Vance
11-24-19 Genesis 19:30-38 The Lot Effect Pastor Kenny Vance
11-17-19 Psalm 100 The Good and Glad Gates of Gratefulness Pastor Kenny Vance
11-10-19 Genesis 19:15-29 Three Operatives Before Destruction Pastor Kenny Vance
11-3-19 Genesis 19:1-15 Sodom's Depravity Pastor Kenny Vance
10-27-19 Genesis 19:1-21 The Way Of The Righteous Pastor Kenny Vance
10-20-19 Psalm 77 When God Seems Silent Elder Ray Wagstaff
10-13-19 Genesis 18:16-33 2 Products Of Intimacy Pastor Kenny Vance
10-6-19 Genesis 18:9-15 3 Products Of The Sign Fulfilled Part 3 Pastor Kenny Vance
9-29-19 Genesis 18:1-15 3 Products Of The Sign Fulfilled Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
9-22-19 Genesis 18:1-15 3 Products Of The Sign Fulfilled Part 1 Pastor Kenny Vance
9-15-19 Genesis 17:15-27 The Sign Fulfilled Pastor Kenny Vance
9-8-19 Genesis 17:1-14 The Nation's Covenant Sign Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
9-1-19 Genesis 17:1-14 The Nation's Covenant Sign Pastor Kenny Vance
8-25-19 Genesis 16 A Nation's GAP Will of God Pastor Kenny Vance
8-18-19 Genesis 15 The Nation's Covenant Defined Part 3 Pastor Kenny Vance
8-11-19 Genesis 15 The Nation's Covenant Defined Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
8-4-19 Genesis 15 The Nation's Covenant Defined Part 1 Pastor Kenny Vance
7-28-19 Exodus 20:1-17 The Big 10 Elder Neil Gray
7-21-19 Genesis 14:18-24 Worship and Temptation-A Nation After Victory Pastor Kenny Vance
7-14-19 Turkey Update Dr. Frank Martin
7-7-19 Genesis 14:1-17 The Nation Rages: 4 vs. 5 vs. 1 Pastor Kenny Vance
6-30-19 1 Samuel 17 Ephesians 6:10-18 Facing The Giants Elder Byron Simmons
6-23-19 Genesis 13 A Nation Goes North Pastor Kenny Vance
6-16-19 Genesis 12:10-20 The Nation Goes South Pastor Kenny Vance
6-9-19 Genesis 12:4-9 Building A New Nation: The First Steps Pastor Kenny Vance
6-2-19 All About Jesus Elder Byron Simmons
5-26-19 Genesis 12:1-3 Building A New Nation Pastor Kenny Vance
5-19-19 Genesis 11:10-32 The Elect Descendants Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
5-12-19 Leviticus 23:2 The Feasts Of The Lord Elder Byron Simmons
5-5-19 Genesis 11:10-32 The Elect Descendants Pastor Kenny Vance
4-28-19 Genesis 11:1-9 The Four "1's" of the Tower of Babel Pastor Kenny Vance
4-21-19 Luke 24:1-12 The Five Rs of the Resurrection Pastor Kenny Vance
4-19-19 Good Friday Pastor Kenny Vance
4-14-19 Genesis 10 The Nations Begin Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
4-7-19 Genesis 10 The Nations Begin Part I Pastor Kenny Vance
3-31-19 Psalm 2 - Prelude to Genesis 10 Pastor Kenny Vance
3-24-19 Genesis 9:18-28 New World: Next Gen Pastor Kenny Vance
3-17-19 Genesis 9:1-17 The Three News of the New World Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
3-10-19 Genesis 9:1-17 The Three News of the New World Pastor Kenny Vance
3-3-19 Genesis 8:20-22 God's Deliverance Pastor Kenny Vance
2-24-19 Genesis 8:13-19 The Ark's Definitive Destination Part 3 Pastor Kenny Vance
2-17-19 Genesis 8:6-12 The Ark's Definitive Destination Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
2-10-19 Genesis 8:1-5 The Ark's Definitive Destination Pastor Kenny Vance
2-3-19 John 11:1-46 Do You Believe This? Elder Ray Wagstaff
1-27-19 Genesis 7:7-24 The Ark Prevails Pastor Kenny Vance
1-20-19 Genesis 7:1-6 The Logistics of the Ark Pastor Kenny Vance
1-13-19 Genesis 6:13-22 The Message of the Ark Pastor Kenny Vance
12-23-18 A Shepherd's Look At Luke 2:8-20 Pastor Kenny Vance
12-16-18 The Color Of Christmas Is Red Pastor Kenny Vance
12-9-18 Genesis 6:1-8 Four Signs of Not Doing Well Pastor Kenny Vance
12-2-18 Genesis 5 Continuing Doing Well Pastor Kenny Vance
11-25-18 Genesis 4:17-26 What Does It Take To Do Well? Pastor Kenny Vance
11-18-18 Genesis 4:8-16 Is Cain Doing Well? Pastor Kenny Vance
11-11-18 Genesis 4:1-7 Doing Well After the Garden Pastor Kenny Vance
11-4-18 Larry Stevens / Communion
10-28-18 Matthew 7:24-27 The Three Little Pigs Elder Neil Gray
10-21-18 CCRV Dedication
10-21-18 1 Kings 8 I AM Is The Temple Of God Pastor Kenny Vance
10-14-18 Guest Ceitci Demirkova
10-7-18 Genesis 3:20-24 The Garden Removal Pastor Kenny Vance
9-30-18 Genesis 3:14-19 Garden Reaping 3b Pastor Kenny Vance
9-23-18 Genesis 3:14-19 Garden Reaping 3 Pastor Kenny Vance
9-16-18 Genesis 3:8-13 Garden Reaping 2b Pastor Kenny Vance
9-9-18 Genesis 3:8-13 Garden Reaping 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
9-2-18 1 Samuel 17 When The Wicked Rise Elder Ray Wagstaff
8-26-18 Genesis 3:1-7 The Garden Fall Part 3 Pastor Kenny Vance
8-19-18 Genesis 3:1-7 The Garden Fall Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
8-12-18 Genesis 3:1-7 The Garden Fall Part 1 Pastor Kenny Vance
8-5-18 Genesis 2:18-25 Garden Life -- The Horizontal Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
7-29-18 Genesis 2:18-25 Garden Life -- The Horizontal Part 1 Pastor Kenny Vance
7-22-18 Step Into The Water Elder Byron Simmons
7-15-18 Genesis 2:15-17 Garden Life Dos & Don'ts Pastor Kenny Vance
7-8-18 Genesis 2:10-14 The Garden River Pastor Kenny Vance
7-1-18 Genesis 2:8-9 Garden Life Pastor Kenny Vance
6-24-18 Genesis 2:4-7 The Inauguration of History Pastor Kenny Vance
6-17-18 Genesis 2:2-3 Day 7: Stop, Drop, and Roll! Pastor Kenny Vance
6-10-18 Genesis 1:29-2:1 Day 6: It Is Our Turn! Part 2 Pastor Kenny Vance
6-3-18 Genesis 1:26-28 Day 6: It Is Our Turn! Pastor Kenny Vance
5-27-18 Genesis 1:24-25 Day 6: God's Creative Expression Continued Pastor Kenny Vance
5-20-18 Genesis 1:20-23 Day 5: God's Creative Fish and Birds Part II Pastor Kenny Vance
5-13-18 Genesis 1:20-23 Day 5: God's Creative Fish and Birds Part I Pastor Kenny Vance
5-6-18 Genesis 1:14-19 Day 4: Luminary Part III Pastor Kenny Vance
4-29-18 Genesis 1:14-19 Day 4: Luminary Part II Pastor Kenny Vance
4-22-18 Genesis 1:14-19 Day 4: Luminary Part I Pastor Kenny Vance
4-15-18 Genesis 1:9-13 Day 3--Earth, Seas, and Plants Pastor Kenny Vance
4-8-18 Genesis 1:6-8 Day II--Firmament Pastor Kenny Vance
4-1-18 Luke 24:13-35 Worship--Following Jesus Pastor Kenny Vance
3-25-18 Matthew 21:1-10 Don't Just Celebrate Jesus, Worship Him! Part II Pastor Kenny Vance
3-18-18 Watchman on the Wall His Soon Returning Elder Byron Simmons
3-11-18 Genesis 1:3-5 Creation Day 1 Pastor Kenny Vance
3-4-18 Genesis 1:2 3rd Rock and Relationship Pastor Kenny Vance
2-25-18 Genesis 1:1 Genesis Introduction Part III Pastor Kenny Vance
2-11-18 Genesis 1:1 Genesis -- "Foundational Faith" Pastor Kenny Vance